Sunday, January 26, 2014

Spit up, Crying, pooping....Life just wouldnt be the same without it.

Life has been so stinkin' crazy! 
 & i mean that literally. 

Lets see, we have celebrated so much in such a short time, but i guess thats what you call the Holidays! 

We celebrated Thanksgiving, & all of the Sloop family was in town for Christmas at my parents house, then we threw a little shindig in our new house for New Years Eve! 
  The week before Christmas i started watching a little 9 month old boy for some extra income & it was hard adjusting to two little boys, but  its becoming alot easier with a set schedule and such. 

Mitchell finished his Fall semester with all A's cause he's kinda a stud.
 (lets pray Carter gets his brains)
& now he has started his Spring semester and it will be a difficult one because of Organic Chemistry. 
...Let me just add that he is a Full Time Daddy, Full time Bank Teller & a Full time Student. 
I am so blessed to be his wife. 

 Carter has just been amazing us daily! 
The day before he turned 4 months he started to scoot a little toward toys. 
& a few short days later he started sitting up. 
He has pretty much mastered the sitting up thing now and is working on crawling next! 

I absolutly love being his mommy but man if one more person tells me that Carter looks nothing like me i may go crazy. I mean SERIOUSLY! 
I carried that little boy for over 9 months and all i get is random people constantly saying 
"He's so cute, He must look like his daddy? I just don't see your resemblance" 
...uh thanks? lol 
I mean i guess its a good thing his daddy is hot. 

Well here are some pictures for your viewing.
Thanksgiving 2013

Christmas Morning 2013

New Years Eve Kisses 2013

Carters first time eating rice cereal (4 months)

Right before Rachael got set apart to serve a mission in The London England South Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We will miss her soo much, Carter will almost be 2 when she gets back, CRAZY! 1/21/14       

Just a Sunday afternoon in our back yard, Carter absolutely loves being outside and swinging on his swing set! 1/26/14

Until Next Time! :)