Saturday, August 20, 2016

WARNING PG-13: Not for the Faint hearted or Easily offended!!

Its the 14th of the month and you know its coming yet STILL the moment you go to the bathroom and look down you're surprised...Hello Period. I understand the science of it but I am not sure what Heavenly Fathers motives were when creating the idea of this awful blood massacre to happen monthly to women. 

Often time we compare our situation to men and do not understand why THEY do not have to walk around with pads and/or insert foreign plugs. 

Although, thats not the worst part of being a woman, not by a long shot. 

Worse is that we as women feel the need to compare to OTHER WOMEN. We say that men get something called "little man syndrome" when sizing up, but what do women get? Just MEAN. Extremely mean. 

These are some trials that women or mothers face daily, and ill never understand because there are positives to EVERY argument. 

Q&A by Brooklyn and her alter ego, I wish I heard more of this in the real world...

A. "Why DONT you breastfeed your baby?"
 -"Well ya know what Miss saggy boobs, maybe I like my perky ta-ta's? Or maybe I think its disgusting to have a leech suck on my nipple every three hours...OR WORSE maybe I tried for the first 3 months of my child's life practically starving them while pumping until my nipples fell off and I physically just COULD NOT!? &  FYI my child is adopted, so yeaaahh..not gonna work out." 

B. "Why DO you breastfeed your baby?"
- "Ever since I was a little girl I was fascinated by the thought of a mother feeding her child, I would even nurse my baby dolls...OR maybe my milk came in quick & it was SO painful as I sprayed E.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e that I could not think of anything better to do than hook that baby up. & Lastly, breastfeeding is free and I cant fathom the idea of paying for formula and commend those who do have to. "

C. "Its 10 o'clock, why is your child still awake?" 
-"Well first and foremost i'm probably just feeling too lazy to fight the bedtime routine. ALSO unlike other children my kid does not completely lose his/her crap when its late at night, otherwise I, like you would have my child asleep before the sun went down. (Also, I think thats your child I hear upstairs playing.) "

D. "6 o'clock and your kids asleep?!"
- "YES, and thank the heavens because if he/she would have stayed awake any longer I would be viral for "Woman stuffs ear plugs so far into her ears that she died". I can only handle SO MUCH  and then its time for me to remember that i am in fact NOT a crazy lunatic, I am an adult who says toilet instead of potty once in a while." 

E. "Wow! Look at those *insert holiday* Gifts!"
- "Thanks, ever since the last Holiday was celebrated I started working on the gifts and decor for the next. Its important that I help my kids remember that holidays are special days, & frankly I enjoy decorating and buying gifts to see the reaction on my child's face. " 

D. "Why didn't you get your kid an Easter basket?"
-"Well you see, this month i needed to pay the water bill, OR I wanted my child to remember what Easter (Any holiday) is TRULY about and not the toy that they got that day. I was raised in a household where we focused on the true meanings."

E. "You had a C-Section? Thats not natural" 
 - "Hey! Guess what, didn't know if you knew but we ARE in 2016 which means that yes, modern medicine can take my baby out of me with minimal damage and my child will STILL whoop yours at recess. Oh and also, I didn't have to open the flood gates, my husband thanks me for that. P.s, i also got an immediate 2 weeks extra off of work, PAID." 

Every opinion matters, MOTHERS LIVES MATTER. (Too soon? Oops) 

Daily we struggle trying to keep up with the Kardashians, er Jones'. But WHY? Is your system working? Like right...NOW. Does life make sense for you?! DON'T FIX WHAT IS NOT BROKEN, or you're gonna break it. 

I am so happy that I am a confident woman and don't take a whole lotta shiz from anyone, but I too have to remember that there ARE sensitive people in this world that go home and cry after you make a sly comment about them or their parenting. 


"Adulting" is already hard enough, lets just have play dates and girls nights and get off each-others backs, cause hey...after all your grandma will always think you're cute and thats all that matters. 

Bye Felica. 

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